this time around I've done some gut work on my Chimera. I'm not
going to convert all my Chimeras but I might do a couple.
I use plastic card stock with a grid pattern.
Its easy to cut to size without having to score it much.
I first cut it to fit the back and side walls and the floor.
I also wanted to create a couple of benches at this point
for my hardy guardsmen to rest upon.
Next I add some gear to add some detail to it does not
look like a padded room.
Next I added some end supports for the benches. I also went
ahead and primed the inside in black since once I get around
to painting it I don't want to mess around with the inside again.
When I painted the inside with GW Rotten Flesh, this is a
good off green color for the inside of AV's. I painted
the detail, not to close because once I close the top it
will not been seen much, just I will know its their.
I also gave it a heavy wash.
Again, not many folks will see it but from a modeler
point of view it sure was fun to do.