I used one of my "extra" parts FW sent for a test run. Pretty happy
with it so far.
IMG_0342 - Black Auto Primer
IMG_0343 - Armypainter Silver Spray
IMG_0344 - GW blue wash on Chaos, P3 Blight Gold on trim
IMG_0345 - GW Mud wash
IMG_0346 - GW Chestnut ink in damage areas
IMG_0347 - GW Black Wash
IMG_0349 - Floor Wax seal wash
IMG_0350 - Windsor Oil Brunt Umber wash
IMG_0351 - Windsor Oil Black wash
IMG_0353 - Dull Coat and some blue highlights on the chaos star
IMG_0354 - Some MIG Gun Metal run around the edges, a little
more blue and some flesh added to damage area
IMG_0356 - A side shot.