into our Titan project. Getting a litte bit of a head start and
am starting to clean and trim off the extra bits.
I did not get to far before my wife kicked me out of the kitchen
because it was close to dinner time but this is what I did get
done. First off I look over model checkin each part for warping,
damage and over all condition. Its a good thing because I am
missing the brass eched vents for the top but a quick email
to Forgeworld took care of that and they are in the mail.
No bad warping or miscast that I've noticed yet but I'm just
getting started and while I will give it a good cleaning I did
not notice much release agent on the resin.
I did start cutting on the Mega Vulcan bolter and the Plasma
Blast gun before I was "asked" to remove my crap from the table lol.
Some of the vents are pretty easy to pick out:
Others are not so easy to see:
After finding the vents and cutting I like giving them a quick
sanding to smooth them out:
Thats about as far as I got, but I will be back it soon. Any
Advice or tips are welcome