part is on its way. I must say Forgeworld's customer service is head
and shoulders above most companies I have dealt with.
So, while I'm waiting on my replacement carapace I'm going to start
on the base and feet. I will not take all the credit for being original here
and am borrowing an idea I found on the internet.
I'm taking hints from "Khain" on the "40K Online" forum
for my base work.
I'm using Games Workshops Battlescape scenery as my base, but I also
need a wooden base to secure it together. Once again a trip to Walmart
produced an 8x11 bamboo cutting board that's perfect.
I use some Gorilla resin epoxy, clamps and rubber bands to secure it over
and now I have my base.
Now to fill in the edges with some putty and I'll start mounting the feet.